

  • 聯系人 : 曹鏡森先生
  • 聯系電話 : 0769-82226193
  • 傳真 : 0769-82226193
  • 移動電話 : 15989458768
  • 地址 : ** 廣東省東莞市大朗鎮仙村仙一區99號
  • Email : caojingshen@126.com
  • 郵編 : 523792
  • 公司網址 : http://szyuantao.cn
  • MSN : caoshingcer@126.com
  • QQ : 454992321
  • 聯系人 : 曹鏡森
  • 聯系電話 : 0769-82226193
  • 傳真 : 0769-82226193
  • 公司網址 : http://szyuantao.cn/
  • 產品名稱:集中供粉系統

  • 產品型號:
  • 產品廠商:天天自動
  • 產品文檔:
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集中供粉系統的發展勢不得擋,其中央供料系統是可不斷性的環保性中央吸粉系統,這也是**比擬發起的一種中央供料系統方式。 因此,各個中央集中供粉系統設備公司也大概捉住該機緣,注重技能研制跟立異,優化公司鏈,如今是知識科技大爆炸的時代,只有科技進步才能跟上時代的腳步,適應市場的需求。 集中供粉系統 ------經濟實用,投資成本低 大型中央供料系統 ------**穩定,后期成本低 中央吸粉系統簡介: 中央供粉系統是指將所有旋風分離器(或原料接收設備)與真空泵及控制系統通過管路及電路連接起來。


因此,各個中央集中供粉系統設備公司也大概捉住該機緣,注重技能研制跟立異,優化公司鏈,如今是知識科技大爆炸的時代,只有科技進步才能跟上時代的腳步,適應市場的需求。 集中供粉系統 ------經濟實用,投資成本低 大型中央供料系統 ------**穩定,后期成本低 中央吸粉系統簡介: 中央供粉系統是指將所有旋風分離器(或原料接收設備)與真空泵及控制系統通過管路及電路連接起來。中央給料系統由真空泵、原料桶、帶真空截止閥的上料機、成型設備、原料管路和真空管路 (有些系統還包括中央落地集塵器),以及智能控制卡控制系統組成。


 v 中央集塵器采用食品級304鏡面不銹鋼,美觀、易清潔、永不生銹。 

v 在物料接收器中放置篩網,采用中央集塵器,便于清潔; v 采用濾袋振動系統。通過不銹鋼濾袋振動器的上下振動,濾袋中的粉塵被振出,并垂直下落;無需采用大量的壓縮空氣,能夠節省能源和阻止含濕的壓縮空氣接觸物料。

 v 分料站采用食品級304鏡面不銹鋼,美觀、易清潔、永不生銹。 自動換料系統采用智能控制器控制;可滿足每臺機組應用每種原料的需求。

 v 管路清潔閥采用食品級304鏡面不銹鋼,美觀、易清潔、永不生銹。

 v 在每次吸料結束時清潔管路;避免由于原料流動性差而造成的管路堵塞,使系統**性更強;

 v 采用的直線回路不會減慢管路中的上料速度,相對于采用的活塞式真空 阻隔方式相比,三鼎的擋板式開合比活塞元件耐用,無需每隔三個月更換橡膠件。

 v 采用食品級304鏡面不銹鋼,美觀、易清潔、永不生銹。

 v 在每次吸料時為了避免管路由于原料流動性差而造成的管路堵塞,使系統**性更強

 v 除了具有一般大型室外料倉外,還獨有Silmo型模塊式料倉。

其特點為: v 價格只是大型料倉的十分之一 v 模塊式的安裝,實現料倉容量的變化 v 可安裝于室內 v 適用于生產量大的工廠 

v 采用螺桿,體積式上料,上料速度稍慢 v 中央供粉系統中,可將備件泵用于模具中水的清理,當換模具時可避免水存留在里面以防腐蝕。

 v 僅需填加一條與清潔管路相連接的真空管路及相應的清潔單元即可將備件泵用于工作區的清潔。

 中央供粉系統所需制作報價的基本數據: v 每臺成型設備的間距和原料吸入點的距離 v 供料系統的維護保養一般分為四方面。

① 檢查“設置畫面”的料桶開關是否打開
② 檢查光電開關的靈敏度是否正常
③ 檢查原料的號的選擇是否正確
④ 檢查抽料時間、抽空時間的設定是否正確
⑤ 檢查壓縮空氣的氣源是否正常,在4KG/ cm2
⑥ 檢查機臺的截風閥、截料閥的氣缸和電磁閥是否正常
① 打開吸料桶是上蓋,看原炒是否有架橋,卡住在落料口上
② 檢查抽空時間是否過長

① 檢查負壓管路中的截風閥是否有漏氣
② 檢查脈沖集塵器里濾清器是否被粉塵堵塞
③ 檢查脈沖集塵器上的排風閥是否有漏氣
④ 檢查吸料桶上蓋是否蓋好
① 檢查是否有短路
② 檢查是那部份的保險燒壞,就檢查那部分電路
③ 檢查各個閥門的電磁閥是否有短路
④ 檢查電磁閥是否有短路
① 檢查是否接上進電源380V,電控箱內的開關是否打開
② 檢查保險絲是否燒斷,檢查燒斷的原因
③ 檢查變壓器是否正常
④ 檢查開關電源是否正常

① 查看各吸料桶的開關是否打開,在設置畫面里操作
② 檢查風機是否有過載
③ 檢查電控箱內的中間繼電器是否正常
④ 電源是否有逆相
① 檢查干燥桶上微動吸料斗的微動開關是否正常
② 檢查原料桶是否無原料,把原料桶加上原料
① 檢查光電開關的靈敏度是否正常,有無損壞
② 檢查光電開關是否沒有對正式或螺絲沒有扭緊
③ 檢查航空插頭是否已插上

① 檢查干燥桶是否無原料
② 檢查原料管號選擇是否正確
③ 檢查選擇站上的管是否接好
④ 檢查光電開關的靈敏度是否正常
⑤ 檢查截料閥的電磁閥是否正常
① 電源電壓是否正常380V
② 檢查接觸器和熱繼電器是否正常
③ 檢查排風閥和風機的選擇閥是否正常
④ 檢查管路是否有堵塞,導致負載過大
⑤ 檢查風機是否有卡死,測量風機的電阻是否正常
① 檢查各個吸料桶的開關是否打開,在設置畫面里操作
② 檢查電控箱內的中間繼電器是否正常
③ 檢查所有的吸料桶是否都是滿料的狀態
④ 檢查風機是否已設定為手動
③ 檢查抽料時間是否過長
① 檢查光電開關的靈敏度是否正常,有無損壞
② 檢查光電開關是否沒有對正式或螺絲沒有扭緊
③ 檢查航空插頭是否已插上

原料儲存區的確切的位置 v 每臺成型設備每小時對原料的消耗量 v 原料的種類 v 管路允許通過的高度 v 

客戶是否在車間安裝了吊車 中央供料系統的輸送原理 中央供粉系統是實現原料的集中干燥,除濕,計量,攪拌集中處理,封閉輸送,徹底避免車

間噪音,灰塵,熱氣污染原料浪費。 供料系統的中央輸送方式是通過中央真空風機、中央濾塵器、真空料門原料儲存設備以及相對應的干燥設備、配色設備和粉碎回收裝置結合而成,可以實現多種原料的集中處理,依靠中央微處理控制、監測系統將原料自動輸送給多室相應的注塑加工設備使用。

集中供粉系統具有以下特點:高效 原料的干燥、配色、粉碎回收料利用實現高度的自動化控制和監控,且能滿足24小時不停機的生產需要。 供料系統節能操作簡單、減少大量勞動力,減少原料袋和輔助設備提供更多空間,應用中央處理和減少單機設備節省電能及維護費用;個性化 按照不同用戶、車間、原料的設計出*優化的方案;現代化工廠形象 使原料及粉塵對注塑生產區的污染減至*低,并降低噪音,實現無人化的自動化生產。



集中供粉系統具有以下特點:高效 原料的干燥、配色、粉碎回收料利用實現高度的自動化控制和監控,且能滿足24小時不停機的生產需要。

 供料系統節能操作簡單、減少大量勞動力,減少原料袋和輔助設備提供更多空間,應用中央處理和減少單機設備節省電能及維護費用;個性化 按照不同用戶、車間、原料的設計出*優化的方案;現代化工廠形象 使原料及粉塵對注塑生產區的污染減至*低,并降低噪音,實現無人化的自動化生產。 集中供粉系統是什么樣的效果? 

集中供粉系統是實現原料的集中干燥,除濕,計量,攪拌和機邊粉碎機立卻回收集中處理,封閉輸送,徹底避免車間噪音,灰塵,熱氣污染原料浪費。解決原料重復人工搬運的高成本及因疏忽而產生干燥不完全的缺料的問題,更不會混入不被允許的其它材料,*重要的是降低采購、耗電、維修成本,提高產品質量,提高工作效率。 迅速發展的塑膠生產自動化是一種應用十分廣泛的現在先進科學技術。它的發展水平和普及程度是一個**工業發展水平的重要標志。要在競爭日益激烈的市場,一個很重要的方面自動化生產能降低人工提高產品合格率,節約能源減少生產成本,

中央供料系統正是在這種市場需求的背景下發展成熟起來的。 Centralized supply of powder system development is bound to block, the central feeding system is a continuous environmental protection of the central suction system, which is the country compared to a central feeding system.
Therefore, the central centralized supply of powder system equipment company also probably catch the opportunity, focusing on skills development with innovation, optimize the company chain, is now the era of knowledge and technology big bang, only scientific and technological progress to keep up with the pace of the times, to adapt to the market demand. Centralized supply of powder system ------ economical and practical, low cost of investment Large central feeding system ------ safe and stable, low cost of the latter low Central suction system Introduction: Central supply system refers to all the cyclone (Or raw material receiving equipment) and vacuum pump and control system through the pipeline and circuit connected. The central feed system consists of a vacuum pump, a raw material drum, a feeder with a vacuum shut-off valve, a molding machine, a raw material line and a vacuum line (some systems also include a central floor dust collector), and a smart control card control system.
 The central feed system allows the feedstock to be dispensed from the specified location through the vacuum line to the forming equipment. Among them, a variety of equipment placed in a certain order to follow: vacuum pump and raw material barrels are always placed in the workshop at both ends, can be separated from the vacuum pump and the raw material barrels of different feeding capacity of each machine to coordinate Consistent.
 V central dust collector with food grade 304 mirror stainless steel, beautiful, easy to clean, never rust.
V Place the screen in the material receiver, using a central dust collector for easy cleaning; v Use the filter bag vibration system. Through the stainless steel filter bag vibrator up and down vibration, filter bag dust is vibrated, and vertical drop; without the use of a lot of compressed air, can save energy and prevent wet compressed air contact materials.
 V sub-station using food grade 304 mirror stainless steel, beautiful, easy to clean, never rust. Automatic refueling system using intelligent controller control; to meet the needs of each unit application of each raw material.
 V line cleaning valve with food grade 304 mirror stainless steel, beautiful, easy to clean, never rust.
 V Clean the piping at the end of each suction; avoid the clogging of the pipeline due to the poor fluidity of the raw materials, making the system more secure;
 V The straight circuit used does not slow down the feed rate in the line, compared to the piston-type vacuum barrier used, Sanding's baffle-type opening and closing than the piston components durable, no need to replace rubber every three months Pieces.
 V use of food grade 304 mirror stainless steel, beautiful, easy to clean, never rust.
 V In order to avoid piping due to poor flow of raw materials caused by the pipeline blockage, so that the system more secure
 V In addition to the general large-scale outdoor silo, but also unique Silmo modular silo.
Its features are: v price is only one-tenth of a large silo v modular installation, to achieve changes in the silo capacity v can be installed in the indoor v for the production of large factories
V with screw, volume loading, feeding speed slightly slower v central supply system, the spare parts pump can be used in the mold of water cleaning, when the mold can be avoided when the water to stay inside to prevent corrosion.
 V Use only a vacuum line connected to the cleaning line and the corresponding cleaning unit to clean the spare parts pump for the work area.
 Basic data required for the central supply system: v The distance between each forming device and the distance from the raw material inhalation point v
The exact location of the raw material storage area v the consumption of raw materials per hour of each molding machine v the type of raw material v the height of the pipe allowed v
Whether the customer in the workshop to install the crane Central feeding system for the principle of the central delivery system is to achieve the concentration of raw materials, drying, dehumidification, metering, stirring centralized treatment, closed delivery, completely avoid the car
Between the noise, dust, hot air pollution raw materials waste. The central conveying mode of the feeding system is realized by the combination of the central vacuum fan, the central dust filter, the vacuum material raw material storage equipment and the corresponding drying equipment, color matching equipment and the crushing and recovery device, which can realize the centralized processing of various raw materials, Central micro-processing control, monitoring system will automatically feed the raw materials to the corresponding multi-room injection molding equipment used.
Centralized supply of powder system has the following characteristics: efficient raw materials, dry, color, crushing and recycling materials to achieve a high degree of automation control and monitoring, and can meet the 24-hour non-stop production needs. The fuel supply system is simple to save energy, reduce the amount of labor, reduce the cost of raw materials and auxiliary equipment to provide more space, the application of central processing and reduce the cost of individual equipment to save energy and maintenance costs; personalized according to different users, workshops, raw materials designed to optimize Program; modern factory image to raw materials and dust on the injection molding production area to minimize pollution, and reduce noise, to achieve unmanned automated production.
 Central feeding system is to achieve the concentration of raw materials, drying, dehumidification, metering, stirring centralized treatment, closed delivery, completely avoid workshop noise, dust, hot air pollution waste material.
The central conveying mode of the feeding system is realized by the combination of the central vacuum fan, the central dust filter, the vacuum material raw material storage equipment and the corresponding drying equipment, color matching equipment and the crushing and recovery device, which can realize the centralized processing of various raw materials, Central micro-processing control, monitoring system will automatically feed the raw materials to the corresponding multi-room injection molding equipment used.
Centralized supply of powder system has the following characteristics: efficient raw materials, dry, color, crushing and recycling materials to achieve a high degree of automation control and monitoring, and can meet the 24-hour non-stop production needs.
 The fuel supply system is simple to save energy, reduce the amount of labor, reduce the cost of raw materials and auxiliary equipment to provide more space, the application of central processing and reduce the cost of individual equipment to save energy and maintenance costs; personalized according to different users, workshops, raw materials designed to optimize Program; modern factory image to raw materials and dust on the injection molding production area to minimize pollution, and reduce noise, to achieve unmanned automated production. What is the effect of the centralized supply system?
Centralized supply and demand system is to achieve the concentration of raw materials, drying, dehumidification, metering, mixing and machine edge grinding machine is centralized recovery, closed delivery, completely avoid workshop noise, dust, hot air pollution waste material. To solve the high cost of manual processing of raw materials and negligence due to dry and incomplete problems, but will not be mixed with other materials are not allowed, the most important thing is to reduce procurement, power consumption, maintenance costs, improve product quality, Improve work efficiency. The rapid development of plastic production automation is a very widely used now advanced science and technology. Its level of development and popularity is an important indicator of the level of national industrial development. To an increasingly competitive market, a very important aspect of automated production can reduce the artificially improve the product pass rate, save energy to reduce 

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